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For years, Amazon researchers have been exploring the topic of extreme multilabel classification (XMC), or classifying inputs when the space of possible ...

Sometimes, good luck wears bad luck's clothing — and that was certainly the case in 2015 for the young electrical and computer engineer Supreeth ...

Many of today’s most innovative computation-based products and solutions are fueled by data. Where those data are private, it is essential to protect them ...

As usual at the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), a plurality of Amazon’s accepted papers concentrate on ...

Intelligence is notoriously hard to define, but when most people (including computer scientists) think about it, they construe it on the model of human ...

Every week of the National Hockey League (NHL) season, fans see TV rankings of the best plays of the week, and every week, fans debate those rankings. Most ...

Many of today’s machine learning (ML) applications involve nearest-neighbor search: data are represented as points in a high-dimensional space; a query ...

Automatic-speech-recognition (ASR) models, which transcribe spoken utterances, are a key component of voice assistants. They are increasingly being deployed ...

Amazon today announced that a team from the University of Michigan has won the Alexa Prize SimBot Challenge. The SimBot Challenge's goal is to advance the ...

Automatic-speech-recognition (ASR) models, which convert speech to text in voice agents, typically have two stages. The first stage involves a deep neural ...

At the age of 12, Alex Wiltschko bought his first perfume, Azzaro pour Homme. He’d read about it in his favorite book — Perfumes: The Guide, by Luca Turin — ...

Where a standard relational database stores data in linked tables, graph databases store data in graphs, where the edges represent relationships between ...

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