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Machine learning (ML) has been strategic to Amazon from the early years. We are pioneers in areas ...

Training a machine learning model can be thought of as exploring a landscape that maps settings of the model parameters against average error rate. The goal ...

In 2021, Amazon’s Supply Chain Optimization Technologies (SCOT) organization announced the establishment of the SCOT/INFORMS scholarships program to help ...

Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps automate and facilitate much of what people do online, from managing customer data to scientific research. So it’s only ...

Vision-language models, which map images and text to a common representational space, have demonstrated remarkable performance on a wide range of multimodal ...

Amazon and Johns Hopkins University (JHU) today announced the second-year recipients of PhD fellowships and faculty research awards as part of the JHU + ...

Automated reasoning can be used to mathematically prove whether software or hardware will do what it’s supposed to. In practice, automated reasoning often ...

“I work in robotics and artificial intelligence. We're building robots that are going to help the world.” As introductions — or elevator pitches — go, ...

Today’s large machine learning models — such as generative language models or vision-language models — are so big that the process of training them is ...

Recent foundation models — such as large language models — have achieved state-of-the-art performance by learning to reconstruct randomly masked-out text or ...

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